60 Minute Strategic Plan By Anne Marie Smith, John E. Johnson

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60 Minute Strategic Plan
 By Anne Marie Smith, John E.  Johnson

60 Minute Strategic Plan By Anne Marie Smith, John E. Johnson

60 Minute Strategic Plan
 By Anne Marie Smith, John E.  Johnson

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60 Minute Strategic Plan
 By Anne Marie Smith, John E.  Johnson

  • Sales Rank: #389710 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2011-01-09
  • Released on: 2011-01-09
  • Format: Kindle eBook

As a member of the Board of Directors for a regional non-profit healthcare organization, I recommended using the 60 Minute Strategic Plan as a tool to help us reposition our brand competitively via a new slogan and new marketing communication campaign. The process worked better than we had hoped and we were able to give clear creative direction to our advertising agency in hours rather than days. We are extremely delighted with the end results. --Robert K. Leonard, Hospice By The Bay Foundation

It is a relatively quick read with a huge payback. I was extremely impressed with both content and style. This has all the makings of being as big with CEOs as One Minute Manager was to managers in the 80's. --Alan Landry, Management Consultant/Adjunct Professor, Pepperdine MBA Marketing Management

First, speaking as an academic with a Ph.D. in Strategic Management let me say it is refreshing to find a book that cuts past the theorizing and philosophizing and gets right to implementation. As an administrator, I have just walked through the process for a current project of my own and found that it did a great job of keeping the process focused on specific, measurable, and actionable items. The map will allow me to represent the overall plan to the team here at work in way that will make sense to everyone. In the past we have either tended to get bogged down in debating theory and concepts or get overwhelmed by minutiae. The 60 Minute Strategic Plan has provided me with a tool for not only organizing my thoughts, but serves as a communications tool for driving implementation. --Richard C. Thompson, Ph.D., Dean School of Business, Jones International University

About the Author
John E. Johnson is the creator of the 60 Minute Strategic Plan process. Johnson has been a strategic management consultant and speaker helping organizations and their management teams for 25+ years. Additionally, Johnson has nearly 30 years of experience in senior marketing management with consumer products in national and international arenas.
Anne Marie Smith is a successful business consultant and entrepreneur with over 26 years in business process development and corporate communications. Smith started her first company in 1995 and, over the course of ten years, built it into a high-growth, successful venture. Smith sold the business in 2004 and is now a partner in 60 Minute Strategic Plan, Inc. Smith s passion is helping organizations achieve and excel.

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60 Minute Strategic Plan By Anne Marie Smith, John E. Johnson PDF
60 Minute Strategic Plan By Anne Marie Smith, John E. Johnson PDF

60 Minute Strategic Plan By Anne Marie Smith, John E. Johnson
