Clean Slate: A Cookbook and Guide: Reset Your Health, Detox Your Body, and Feel Your Best, by Editors of Martha Stewart Living

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Clean Slate: A Cookbook and Guide: Reset Your Health, Detox Your Body, and Feel Your Best, by Editors of Martha Stewart Living

Clean Slate: A Cookbook and Guide: Reset Your Health, Detox Your Body, and Feel Your Best, by Editors of Martha Stewart Living

Clean Slate: A Cookbook and Guide: Reset Your Health, Detox Your Body, and Feel Your Best, by Editors of Martha Stewart Living

PDF Download Clean Slate: A Cookbook and Guide: Reset Your Health, Detox Your Body, and Feel Your Best, by Editors of Martha Stewart Living

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Clean Slate: A Cookbook and Guide: Reset Your Health, Detox Your Body, and Feel Your Best, by Editors of Martha Stewart Living

Product details

Paperback: 336 pages

Publisher: Clarkson Potter; First Edition edition (December 16, 2014)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0307954595

ISBN-13: 978-0307954596

Product Dimensions:

7.5 x 1.1 x 9.1 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.9 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.5 out of 5 stars

224 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#28,518 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

I am in the middle of the 21 day action plan in this book, and I have really enjoyed all the recipes, schedules, and foundational knowledge presented in this book. I've been meaning to do a clean eating challenge for months now, and this book's action plan and appealing recipes make it easy to jump in. My husband begrudgingly agreed to join, and he hasn't complained nearly as much as I thought he would, and has even commented on how good some of the meals have been. I haven't really lost weight, but I'm a nursing mom and for some reason it is impossible for me to drop any pounds while nursing. My husband is doing it with me, so he if sees any significant weight loss at the end of this I'll update this review with his numbers.I only have two criticisms: the first and biggest is that some of the recipes are rather bland, but easy to tweak if you're a decent to proficient cook.....and without sacrificing the healthy aspect of the meal. For example, the cauliflower soup is flavorless if you follow the book's instructions. Instead, I roasted my cauliflower for lots of flavor, and roasted some garlic cloves with it as well, and then puréed that with stock in the proportions listed in the book. SO much tastier, without any ingredient tweaks (well, half a tablespoon of olive oil). If you're not the type of person who can improvise recipes and you don't really know your way around a kitchen, you will probably find some of these recipes underwhelming.My second criticism is that some of the serving sizes seem crazy small. I have easy access to local, organic, big produce and was kind of taken aback by how small some portions were, like the Brussels sprouts salad. I adjusted the portions accordingly, but kind of annoying if you're tracking calories and relying on the book's calorie info to reflect what you'll actually ingest.Overall, I like this book and have no regrets about buying it! It's great to have an arsenal of healthy, creative recipes for this action plan and beyond!

Are you kidding? Anybody who underrated this book is a hack. These are the most "comforting" clean slate recipes using stuff I can find and use readily.anyone interested in a new take on your standard healthy recipes this book is amazing. Coconut oatmeal with sautéed nectarines, black quinoa with avocado, honey, and almonds...soba with salmon and watercress, quesadillas w/ collards and white beans... wow! Impressed. Yesbi have these ingredients, but I would have never come up with these recipes myself. This just busted me out of my bland healthy eating rut.

When I purchased this book I knew nothing about clean eating. This book is packed full of great details and awesome recipes! It's now a weekly favorite book that we use in our house. Recipes are different and healthy! I live in the city so all the ingredients have been no problem to find. Some meals and meal plans are on the way to low calorie side for me so I just them pair them with another meal if I need more food. All in all, totally awesome!

I had this book have a year and I thought would be hard to do. But one day I decided to learn more about eating clean and started the program. My husband accepted doing with me. It's good if you can do with someone, the recipies are for two or more servings. The first 3 days of detoxing was hard. I didn't like what I was eating but I ate because it was only 3 days. I saw results already after the detox. I had less craving for sweets, less swollen and lost 2lb. Than we started the weekly program. After the second week I have lost total 14lb and my husband 10lb. We feel great, the recipies are easy, fast to do and delicious. We decided to have one day off per week. To eat that chocolate we want or that day you have dinner in a friends house. But we keep on diet in 2 of the 3 meals of that day. So it's not so bad. We look forward to continue the book, so many recipies!One good thing is that they repeat recipies in the week program because you don't use all the ingredients to make one time, so you don't waist food.P.s. I'm sorry if have any errors on my writing. English is my second language. -Andi

(Edit** March 2018)- still love this book went back to it to do a whole foods restart and was like "these are damm good recipes i should leave a review". Come here and realize I already did lol. The first half of the book is very informative about "good" and "bad" foods. The rest is recipes and beautiful pictures. There is also a short detox plan included. Recipes are diverse, so anyone can benefit and grow from the book.I would suggest anyone to buy the book, but the kindle format might be the best idea. I bought the book itself, and I am a bit lazy so making a physical list is a task for me. But if I bought it on a kindle format, I could skip that step and bring a device to the store to read it on.

Clean Slate: A Cookbook and Guide: Reset Your Health, Detox Your Body, and Feel Your Best, by Editors of Martha Stewart Living PDF
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Clean Slate: A Cookbook and Guide: Reset Your Health, Detox Your Body, and Feel Your Best, by Editors of Martha Stewart Living PDF

Clean Slate: A Cookbook and Guide: Reset Your Health, Detox Your Body, and Feel Your Best, by Editors of Martha Stewart Living PDF

Clean Slate: A Cookbook and Guide: Reset Your Health, Detox Your Body, and Feel Your Best, by Editors of Martha Stewart Living PDF
Clean Slate: A Cookbook and Guide: Reset Your Health, Detox Your Body, and Feel Your Best, by Editors of Martha Stewart Living PDF

Clean Slate: A Cookbook and Guide: Reset Your Health, Detox Your Body, and Feel Your Best, by Editors of Martha Stewart Living
