Improving Your Storytelling: Beyond the Basics for All Who Tell Stories in Work and Play (American Storytelling)

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Improving Your Storytelling: Beyond the Basics for All Who Tell Stories in Work and Play (American Storytelling)

Improving Your Storytelling: Beyond the Basics for All Who Tell Stories in Work and Play (American Storytelling)

Improving Your Storytelling: Beyond the Basics for All Who Tell Stories in Work and Play (American Storytelling)

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Improving Your Storytelling: Beyond the Basics for All Who Tell Stories in Work and Play (American Storytelling)

The first steps in storytelling are often easy, because we tell stories informally every day. Once you take storytelling into the more formal contexts of performance or occupational uses, however, you may be faced with challenges you hadn't anticipated. You need information that goes beyond the basics. And you need it in a form that does not just tell you what to do but helps you make your own informed decisions. This book is meant for the reader who has already begun to tell stories and is ready to learn more about the art. Instead of rules to follow, it gives you a series of frameworks that encourage you to think on your feet. Doug Lipman has written and taught extensively on the art of storytelling. With the same generosity and warmth that characterize his workshops, he considers the teller's relationship to the story, the teller's relationship to the audience, and the transfer of imagery in a medium that is simultaneously visual, auditory, and kinesthetic.

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Product details

Paperback: 224 pages

Publisher: August House; unknown edition (1999)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0874835305

ISBN-13: 978-0874835304

Product Dimensions:

5.6 x 0.5 x 8.6 inches

Shipping Weight: 8 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.1 out of 5 stars

47 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#103,383 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Improving Your Storytelling is to my mind, the definitive work on the art and technique of storytelling and the flagship title in the American Storytelling series from August House. Lipman sets the reader at ease from the very beginning by reminding us that there is no one right way to tell stories, only the way that is comfortable for you in your specific context and with your given audience.Lipman tackles a wide range of topics in this relatively short volume. In the first half of the book, He spends several chapters encouraging the reader to maximize the ways oral language can communicate meaning through the use of facial expressions, gestures, and posture. He gives simple instruction on how to harness the power of rhythm, tempo, repetition, and dramatic pauses in storytelling. He then drills down deeper into the kinesthetic concepts of open versus closed postures, habitual muscular tensions, and the use of body centers. Chapter seven, Discovering the Meaning, serves as the hinge point in the book for me, connecting the basics of storytelling in the first section, to the second section that seemed geared more toward the structures and tasks of professional storytelling.I thoroughly enjoyed making my way through this piece and I would recommend this book to anyone interested in further developing their skill as storytellers. I only wish that Lipman's twitter handle was more active so that he could respond to my many tweets from this book!

Doug Lipman is an incredible speaker and storyteller. Improving Your Storytelling takes readers on a creative journey to the Olympics of storytelling. He gives his audience the secret behind the art and power in stories. By providing readers with multiple methods for delivering an impactful story, Lipman makes storytelling simple. This book contains solid and down-to-earth material for the average person seeking to be better in this skill. While Lipman captures hearts and minds in his verbal storytelling, I find this book to be a bit dry. The practical examples and theoretic behind the topic is very useful but the way he conveys it is quite bland. For instance, the first 72 pages are dedicated to tips and tricks to use when delivering the story. However, I would have included the practical information after the MIP—the most important thing.The book has a great amount of information but to me, overall, it lacks the connection with the audience he was going for.

One of the great books of storytelling improvement. The chapters don't say more than what they need to, but they don't say less either. The points are very clear and very concise, with Lipman offering various strategies to improve a person's dialogue, you would think that individuals would become lost in the text. Lipman, however, writes in a way that caters to the individual. If a thesis or main point could be made about the book, it would be that Lipman helps the individual create his or her stories based around the Most Important Thing (MIT). Learning the most important thing a storyteller wants to get across to his/her audience is the foundational step to building an excellent storytelling event. This insight is crucial because it creates a sense of focus about the story and gives it a direction. Is the MIT of the story to teach a moral lesson, or is it purely for entertainment purposes, is it to grip the hearts of others so that they will contribute to a cause? These are the things a person can expect to learn throughout this book with a step by step process.Lipman offers these insights through experience, being one of the foremost storytellers in the United States (perhaps farther), Lipman demonstrates excellent knowledge with easy to follow steps toward enhancing one's ability to tell stories. I would have given this book five stars but there was one thing that stuck out, that was missing, that I wish Lipman had added to the book. Lipman mentions three building blocks that make up storytelling, one of which he chose not to include in the book. "To understand the storytelling event, look at its major components. One is the transfer of imagery that occurs, and its building blocks: oral language and images. A second, not dealt with in this book, is the context of the event, the physical and social setting in which a story is told. Finally, there are three obvious ingredients: the storyteller, the audience, and the story. These three form the corners of a triangle-the storytelling triangle" (Kindle, Loc. 143). Including this may have made the book become too great in length, but I would opt for its inclusion to increase length and then let the reader choose whether or not to absorb this material.Because storytelling is an art form, it is difficult to debate Lipman's methods for creating a story from the MIT to the execution and close. However, it can be said that I have read other books regarding self-development, dialogue, and interpersonal communication and Lipman's suggestions seem to expand upon those concepts. For example, the "attention getter" that we are taught in speech class, Lipman expands it further, making it individualized. For Lipman, personally, he uses music for the attention getter, or, invitation, as he states it. He further cites other storytellers and their individual methods based on their personalities. This book truly caters to developing one's own sense of storytelling style.

If you are looking for a book that will revolutionize the way you think about and articulate stories, Doug Lipman’s “Improving Your Storytelling: Beyond the Basics for All Who Tell Stories in Work and Play” is the right book for you. Lipman’s passion for the art and science of storytelling will keep you engaged and leave you with a deeper appreciation for story in general.Lipman does not skimp on any details making this one of, if not the most comprehensive strategy guide for storytelling you will find. The spectrum covers everything from verbal and non-verbal practices, to kinesthetic exercises, to the importance of your relationship with your audience. Many of Lipman’s practices are reminiscent of those you would learn in a theater or vocal class, making his literary composition valuable on many fronts.The most valuable portion of this book is Lipman’s story interpretation method: The Most Important Thing (MIT). This method will help you discern what you feel is most worthy of conveying when presenting a story, providing your audience the opportunity to connect with a story in a specific way. This method will also help you tell the same story from many different angles, extending your stories to any audience you encounter.If you desire to be a more effective communicator in work and play, this book will help pave the way.

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Improving Your Storytelling: Beyond the Basics for All Who Tell Stories in Work and Play (American Storytelling) PDF

Improving Your Storytelling: Beyond the Basics for All Who Tell Stories in Work and Play (American Storytelling) PDF

Improving Your Storytelling: Beyond the Basics for All Who Tell Stories in Work and Play (American Storytelling) PDF
Improving Your Storytelling: Beyond the Basics for All Who Tell Stories in Work and Play (American Storytelling) PDF

Improving Your Storytelling: Beyond the Basics for All Who Tell Stories in Work and Play (American Storytelling)
