Lakota Woman

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Lakota Woman

Lakota Woman

Lakota Woman

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Lakota Woman

Product details

Paperback: 272 pages

Publisher: Grove Press; Reprint edition (June 14, 2011)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0802145426

ISBN-13: 978-0802145420

Product Dimensions:

5.5 x 0.8 x 8.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 8.8 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.3 out of 5 stars

199 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#64,432 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

this should be required reading for every politician in the county from top to bottom. Then it should be required for high school and college. It would help if more people were aware of history from both sides. Reading it from the point of view of an Amerindian women allows you to hear first hand of the total injustice against native people by new comers. New comers with delusions of being superior that they think gives them the right to murder and subject and enslave others. Mary Crow Dog was more than brave. I remember many of these events she relates but I got them from the view ponint of the media, politicians and even one of the police officers. I dug deeper and formed other conclusions. In personal relations with some Indian girls and women Mary is more than brave. She over came centuries of her culture toward women. She made some changes in their lives.

Mary Crow Dog is a Sioux Lakota Native American woman. The book was copyrighted in the year 1990. It tells the turmoil that Native Americans endure to understand and keep their Indian traditions and to also live in a white man's world. Some are full blood but many are half bloods trying to find their place in life. The book describes life on the reservation and talks about the conflict at Wounded Knee between the FBI, local police and the Native American Indians. The reader will learn a lot about Indian religion and the different ways of practicing it such as the Sun Dance, Ghost Dance, Sweat Lodge, etc.

I remember the 1973 Wounded Knee stand, but never knew the real details. I am grateful that Mary Crow Dog wrote her account of this defining time. I have always felt a certain sadness of Anna May Aquash's life and murder, so Mary Crow Dog's remembrance of her friend was poignant indeed. Life is short and precious, it is difficult to believe that Mary Crow Dog has passed and her life and time is now part of the great Lakota Sioux Nation's turbulent history. Invaluable historical record written by a woman who was there.

We think the native americans suffered injustice in the XIX century; but the harassment continuous today. This is a story of the second part of the XX century. Sometimes heartbreaking and sometimes heartwarming, Lakota Women is not extraordinarily well written, but it is written with honesty and love. I would recommend it to the people that like social history. All Americans should know the real stories of the Native Americans and what they went through.

Mary I want to thank you for taking me back to 1970 my husband and I were stationed at ellsworthair base and I saw first hand how the so called towns folk treated the lakota nation,,,there was sucha struggle...and to read how brave you and your people were...IT upset me all over again to see thatsouth dakota was settled by the first americans the ancesters came from Italy and Ireland... I had a friend that was stationed with us Quintan night he put his native clothes on and showed us briefly a dance his people did at the pow wows...i could see how such pride went into the sybolic feathers and animal hide and everything ...I have since gone to a pow wowand when I entered and heard and felt the beat of the drums and the singing I felt it was important and came from the earth ....bless you for your book

A very good story, and an important one to read. It does not flow well, and jumps around in timelines, however, so at times it was difficult to follow. The story is that of the life of a woman born into very difficult circumstances, as a "half-breed" Lakota. Her family lives in abject poverty on a reservation, and even when she is sent to be educated in a Catholic school, she is punished for her heritage. She grows to embrace her tribal customs and rituals, and joins in the movement to better the lives of the American Indians, risking her life to make a difference. It was worth the effort to read.

I have native American heritage and know quite a bit about how the Indians were slaughtered and disgraced in the early daysof the white invasions. I also had read about and have known some of the participants in the AIM and Wounded Knee siege.With this book I learned so much more. The courage and heart of Mary Crow Dog and her family and the others who took up thecause and fought so hard to bring attention and some justice to the Native American people is awe inspiring. Too many had tosuffer and die for this recognition and we are fortunate to have the real story of these events.

I give the content of the book 5 stars as I think anyone who is not Native American should know how these people have been treated by our esteemed government officials. It is totally disgusting and inexcusable. My eyes were certainly opened as I did not know of many of the atrocities that Mary cited in her book. This lady is definitely a survivor and my heart goes out to her.I give it 4 stars as the organization of some of the material made we wonder if I was on the wrong page as some of the content was repeated. Mr Erdoes should have been a better job of editing and arranging,

Mary Crow Dog gives an in depth insight into the life of the American Indian woman. Telling of the abuse and degradation of trying to preserve there heritage by leading the life of their forefathers. All the while being forced to the ways of the "white man" and punished for the ways of their heritage. The story is an eye opening view into the cover ups by the people and the government as to what was done then to the Indian nations and what is still happening today on the reservations.

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