The Period Book: A Girl's Guide to Growing Up, by Karen Gravelle

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The Period Book: A Girl's Guide to Growing Up, by Karen Gravelle

The Period Book: A Girl's Guide to Growing Up, by Karen Gravelle

The Period Book: A Girl's Guide to Growing Up, by Karen Gravelle

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The Period Book: A Girl's Guide to Growing Up, by Karen Gravelle

Celebrating over twenty years in print, this best-selling, essential illustrated guidebook for adolescent girls is now available as a refreshed edition, with new and updated content.

With over 400,000 copies sold, this appealingly illustrated guidebook to puberty--now updated with new content relevant to today's kids--is the perfect companion for girls and parents preparing for this important milestone. Written in consultation with preteen girls, this guide offers a supportive, practical approach, providing clear and sensitive answers to common questions on periods, as well as advice dealing with pimples and mood swings.

This revised edition features new sections on:- getting braces- bra sizing- shaving- relatable anecdotes from real girls- changing friendships- romantic feelings- dealing with sexual harassment both on social media and in real life

Complete with charming and informative interior illustrations, The Period Book is a trusty friend that can help girls feel confident about this new phase of their lives.

Product details

Age Range: 8 - 12 years

Grade Level: 4 - 6

Paperback: 144 pages

Publisher: Bloomsbury USA Childrens; Reprint edition (June 20, 2017)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 161963662X

ISBN-13: 978-1619636620

Product Dimensions:

5.7 x 0.4 x 7.8 inches

Shipping Weight: 6.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.4 out of 5 stars

270 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#3,237 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

My 12 year old daughter just started her period this summer. She was away from home visiting family, which makes me sad that I missed the first one. I went online that night and found this book. I read the reviews, and the comments about the content being inappropriate. One reviewer mentioned that she was appalled by a section that informed the reader that you could get pregnant if semen is introduced into the vagina by any means, such as a finger. While it might make us uncomfortable as parents to think about our sweet girls doing anything of the sort, the fact is that it happens. I for one would rather have her know the risks and avoid them, than keep her blissfully ignorant while she ends up pregnant because she "didn't know". They say you're supposed to have "the talk" by the time they are 8 years old now as it is. Now that she's able to get pregnant (cuz let's face it thats what periods are for) I want her to know. Keeping her in the dark isn't going to do her any favors, and telling her the truth won't hurt her.So anyways I bought the book and had it overnighted to her at my mom's house. My mom said when she handed her the book she rolled her eyes and was like "Oh God". But she sat down to read, and did not put it down again until she had read it cover to cover. She told my mom, that was a REALLY good book, it had a lot of good information in it. It also has a little log in the back for her to track her cycle.I'm comfortable in my choice to get her the book. Now I know she knows, and what she knows is the truth and not hearsay from other teenage girls or boys. You know they talk about it right? And they act on it younger and younger these days? Don't you want them informed?

I feel very compelled to write a review after reading the top-rated comments by panicked mothers. Here is my story:I read this book when I was 10. I borrowed it from my friend, whose mom was a bit more hands-off than mine. I remember using it with my girlfriend, and a mirror, to find where our vaginas were. I didn't use it to masturbate. It didn't make me lose my virginity earlier. It just gave me the kind of no-nonsense ILLUSTRATED, not photographed, depictions of what I had to expect in the coming years. I loved this book because instead of trying to shelter me, it gave me all the best information and helped me make well-informed decisions.I felt compelled to review this book not only because I thought it was great, and memorable FIFTEEN YEARS later. But also because these panicked mothers, who are worried about their daughters being "too young" to learn about these things, clearly haven't been to a middle school in recent years. Children--tweens--are having sex. At 11, before they even need The Period Book, and at 13, when that tidbit about the fingertip's worth of sperm causing impregnation could be vital, life-changing information. That was never me, but hey! I read the Period Book when I was 10. So I knew better...So don't hide this book from your kids. Because they're almost not kids. And even as kids, behind your very backs, they're probably doing adult things. This book promotes body-literacy; it doesn't change the innate nature of your girls, or negate the moral compass you've instilled in them. As parents, don't you want to give your child THE BEST CHANCE to make good decisions? If so, get her this book.

I liked it a lot. Got it for my 9 year old niece.The only drawbacks are that, because it is meant for a young audience and meant to reassure and educate without scaring, it does not cover two things I was hoping for.It only very briefly touched upon non-heterosexual feelings, and while it did so positively, it was little more than a passing comment. Gender and sexuality fall on a spectrum and can be fluid, I felt it needed a more in depth take on that. But still, it’s not necessarily negative on the subject, rather than lacking.Same issue with health concerns. Endometriosis runs in my family, and reproductive disorders are not uncommon among women in the US. While it touched on it briefly, the book does not adequately tell young girls how to differentiate between regular menstruel symptoms and those that are not, and when to be concerned. While I understand that the intent is not to scare, the first sign that something is wrong is pain. And a young girl complaining of pain that she is unfamiliar with, in regards to menstruation, is often dismissed as her being unused to her body’s changes. I felt that this book does not take severe menstrual pain seriously enough. And it should be taken seriously, as should young girls who say they are in extreme pain.Aside from those two points, this book was wonderful and informative.

Reading to my 9 year old. It’s just the right amount of information for her. We read the Care and Keeping of you for Younger Girls two years ago. This book repeats that info (which I think is good) and adds more information to continue the conversations we’ve already started. If you haven’t been having conversations with your daughter about her body yet, you may not be ready to go to the detail this book does. It’ll be a great resource when you are.

I bought this book for my 10 year old. She's super embarrassed about anything period related. I slipped it under her pillow and she yelled at me when she found it haha. I'll probably never know what she thought of it, because periods are apparently mythical to her, but- I think this book is great.

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The Period Book: A Girl's Guide to Growing Up, by Karen Gravelle
