Who Was Anne Frank?

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Who Was Anne Frank?

Who Was Anne Frank?

Who Was Anne Frank?

Ebook Download Who Was Anne Frank?

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Who Was Anne Frank?

In her amazing diary, Anne Frank revealed the challenges and dreams common for any young girl. But Hitler brought her childhood to an end and forced her and her family into hiding. Who Was Anne Frank? looks closely at Anne's life before the secret annex, what life was like in hiding, and the legacy of her diary.

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Audible Audiobook

Listening Length: 43 minutes

Program Type: Audiobook

Version: Unabridged

Publisher: Listening Library

Audible.com Release Date: March 26, 2019

Language: English, English


Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

My daughter's 3rd grade class is doing a Living Museum, and each child had to pick a 'Who Was' book to report on for it. My daughter chose Anne Frank, and I was initially nervous about how age appropriate the content would be. I read the book along with her, prepared for questions and concerns that would arise,. I was so pleased how well it was written and adapted for young students. I think it is perfect for 3rd and 4th graders, but think it might be a bit short on history for 5th grade and up. It's definitely a great book to introduce children to learning about WWII. We will be purchasing more 'Who Was' books in the future!

I’ve been buying these books for my son and I love every single one. Most of the books on the series is less than 100 pages so it makes for a quick and easy read. I read a few chapters to him at bedtime and it’s something we both look forward to. Especially me for the cuddle time with my son as I know he won’t always want me to read to him.The story of Anne Frank is unbelievable. To try and picture yourself living in those horrible and horrific times especially as a parent is heartbreaking. There were pages I couldn’t read without crying. The story is tastefully written as not to scare young readers but at the same time giving them the startling truth about evil in the world.Since reading this book I am going to buy the whole story of Anne Frank.

I love these books! I am a 3rd grade teacher. I was trying to find some biography books for my students and I stumbled across these on Amazon. I bought nine different books and I'm so glad that I did! Most of these books are on a late 3rd to 4th grade reading level, which makes them perfect for my advanced readers. I teach in a diverse school, and some of my students are very interested in learning about African American people in history. So I got several books about African Americans to interest those students. It was great to see the light in their eyes while reading these books! I love finding books that make my students love reading. I'll definitely be buying more of these in the near future! 😊

My 9yr old daughter chose this as her summer reading and loved it. I was worried about introducing this awful time in history and had her read the book aloud so we could discuss it as she read. It was carefully written with young readers in mind. It takes you through her life story in a very sensitive manner. It allows the reader to understand the hardships she went through, without being too graphic.

Of course Anne Frank's story ends sadly, so I can't say my middle schoolers enjoyed the book, exactly, but they were definitely engaged and appreciated the writing style. They learned a lot and were curious to learn more about Anne Frank. I used this book as part of a WWII unit study and even though the text would be fine for elementary readers, the details are interesting enough to get middle schoolers' attention as well. (BTW, I highly recommend the Anne Frank house website as a companion to any study of Anne Frank. You can take a virtual tour of the "Secret Annex.") So far, my kids have enjoyed every book from this series that we've read.

We were covering American history this year (homeschooling family) and I was apprehensive about the subject of the Holocaust as our eldest was only 6.5 but this book was a perfect introduction. It is honest and we'll written without being overly graphic or inappropriate for younger readers. We used it as a read aloud so that we could address any questions or concerns and we will use it again with our other children as they get older

Yes! Very good and yes it leave's gaps. However those gaps open doors to a child's mind to ask more and research more. Honestly perfect !

We really enjoy this series and we recently added this one to our collection. I really enjoy them and it's a nice way to introduce kids to history and written in easy to understand ways. Really suggest this series and we own several. Our kids started this series in elementary school.

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Who Was Anne Frank?
